More Tasks     More Rewards     Academic Excellence

Task-a-Thon© enables parents to engage with classroooms by creating tasks and assigning them to one or more grades. Teachers create a reward claim by marking the task as complete. Parents then approve and make a payment to the school against that task.

Task-a-Thon uses School Fundraising and School Payment Solutions from PayPal under the hood. Each school is requested to provide a account while registering. This enables parents to pay directly to their school's account. We  do not keep any portion of the payment. .

 Steps to getting started 

  1. Go to "Find My School" from the Homepage
  2. Find your school on the drop-down
  3. If your school does not exist:
    • Submit a new request to add your school
    • Check back after 24-48 hours or wait for to be notified that your school was added.
  4. If your school exists:
  5. Parents:
    • Create a new task from the dashboard
    • Discuss task on the task detail screen
    • Wait for teachers to mark the task as complete
    • Approve the reward
    • Pay the Reward
  6. Teachers:

Here's an overview of the users and the task-to-reward workflow: